Women Empowerment
Women in India have long been treated as secondary human beings, deprived of access to the means of production. Especially in rural India, women have predominantly worked as informal agricultural laborers, earning less and facing irregular income. With limited property rights and a male-dominated culture, women have had diminished roles within their families and society.
Our impact
We created awareness among the women first and organized them in groups. After forming groups we build their capacity to identify causes of problems and address them. To enter into productive activates and access capitals, they were motivated to save and linked to banks. Now the avail loans run small production units and income levels increased. The women neighbors realized the effects and many coming into fold in large number.
Subsequent Plan
We have plans to start a food consumer cooperative to but quality food items at a low price and support organic products. Additional units like grain bank, vermin compost, small food processing are on the anvil.