Tamil Nadu Tribal Development Society

Empowering Marginalized Indigenous People, Dalits and Minorities

Our Impact

The society offers essential aid, skills, and opportunities to integrate into the mainstream of development

Accelerated Education, Literacy Advancement in Indigenous communities, Enhanced Healthcare Access, Education for behavior change, Enhanced Environmental Conservation, Improved Livelihoods, Sustainable,  Forest management, Green Hope Movement, and more

What we do

To empowering marginalized Indigenous Peoples, Dalits and Minorities to actively participate and prosper in Development to realize all human rights and fundamental freedoms

Founded in 1983, the Tamil Nadu Tribal Development Society, an Indian Nonprofit, works with Indigenous Peoples, Dalits and minorities who are born into a lifetime of exclusion, and human rights violation, thereby ranked on the lowest strata of society.’
The society offers them essential aid, skills, and opportunities to integrate into the mainstream of development.


We focus on creating long-lasting solutions that can be maintained by the communities we serve even after our involvement ends


Environmental conservation is central to our mission. We work towards preserving biodiversity combating climate change, and promoting responsible resource management.

Social Justice

We advocate for human dignity, gender equality, and social inclusion to create a society without poverty and inequality.


We actively seek partnerships with governments, NGOs, businesses, and local stakeholders to leverage collective strengths and resources.

Our numbers that speak

To empowering marginalized Indigenous Peoples, Dalits and Minorities to actively participate and prosper in Development to realize all human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Years of Service
0 +
Community Health
0 K+
Villages Educated
0 +
Life Skills to Villages
0 +